
Dietary supplements are often enough to replenish your


by Dr.Ehtesham Khan
18 Feb | 4 min read

Dear Vit-D takers,who are taking Vit-D religiously for last few years.

Ofcourse it is critical for healthy bones and other functions of our body,but what should be the normal value is subject of great controversy in lands of medical research.

We will tell you that a level of 20 nanograms of Vitamin D in your blood is normal.But labs will claim in their reports that 30 nanograms is normal and tell you that you have Vitamin D deficiency. But don't get really worried until it drops to under 12 nanograms.

If your Vit-D level is below 20 but above 12 it can be easily replenish with dietary supplements like egg and milk plus a sufficient exposure to sunlight (elderlies, growing child, pregnant and lactating mothers are exceptions here) instead of going for costly injections or capsules. Moreover,now vit D fortified foods are available in market like milk,rice and even breads.

Lab tests are costly,clinical features of fatigue,pain etc may help to add supplements to your food.

Role of Big Pharmas,which like health scares because they lead to the sale of more drugs can't be neglected here.

So just relaxed don't get over diagnosed and over treated.

Eat healthy be healthier.



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