
Safe,Effective and Economic

by Dr.Ehtesham Khan
23 jan | 5 min read


Consider this....

You are having pain in epigastric region which is tender on pressing you went to a gastroenterologist he will straight way order an upper GI which will just confirm his clinical findings and diagnosis of "GASTRIC EROSION" now the treatment starts say one tablet of Pan-40 for 3months with other dietary management which he will discuss with you only if he is not in hustle to see next more important cases needing attention of a specialist.

So here it is ..Specialist's fee(₹500)+ endoscopy(₹1500)+ medicine(300)=₹2300 for first month then substract endoscopy charges from second month then 3rd month's charges stand more or less same as of first month.

So you are spending around ₹60 a day to get rid of your epigastric pain leave alone the pain you bare for the endoscopic procedure.Consultation with general physicians now a days is more or less same.(it was not the case in olden days when some genuine physicians were easily available I have given example of Dr.Ashfaque in my previous writtings). Now if you go to a well qualified Homoeopath he will examine you and will equally be able to tell you the diagnosis of "GASTRIC EROSION" will discuss the prognosis, treatment,and diets then give you medicine for a month and charge you ₹400 with a note of caution that we may consider an upper GI endoscopy if it's not get well.

So here the treatment stands out at around ₹14 a day with extra time and money you save by skipping endoscopy.

Finaly we can say that Homoeopathy is SAFE , TIME SAVING & ECONOMIC in respect to modern school of medicine which is 4times costlier.

Be Healthy, Be Happy

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