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7+ Years of Experience

Dr.Khan did his post graduation in organon of medicine, currently attached with Metropolitan Homoeopathic medical college and hospital, Kolkata, as an Asst. Professor in department of organon of medicine. Dr.Khan is known for his teaching difficult subject of philosophy of medicine in an easy, interesting and comprehensive way

Courses We Offer

A Unique initiative to make philosophy of medicine easy and comprehensible.

Organon For Beginners

In this class room we will cover entire aphorisms of organon of medicine along with fundam entals of Homoeopathy. With once in a week doubt clearing classes and clinical orientation. This is a three months course, best for beginners.

Organon Easy


In this class room we will cover entire aphorisms of organon of medicine along with fundamentals of Homoeopathy. With once in a week doubt clearing classes and clinical orientation. This is a three months course, best for those who want to have a grasp on subject and have clinical orientation from view point of a Homoeopath.

BHMS 4th Year

In this class room we will cover entire aphorisms of organon of medicine along with fundam entals of Homoeopathy. With once in a week doubt clearing classes and clinical orientation. This is a three months course, best for those who want to have a grasp on subject and have clinical orientation from view point of a Homoeopath.

Organon Advanced

In this class room we will cover entire aphorisms of organon of medicine along with fundam entals of Homoeopathy. With once in a week doubt clearing classes and clinical orientation. This is a three months course, best for those who want to focus academic studies, best suitable for PG students.

Classroom Content