
A Case of Mercurius

by Dr.E.S.Khan
22nd April | 5 min read

Parents of a 4 year child consulted me for a non-healing wound on the scalp [Fig-1] of their child which has dodged many physician of all the systems for last 4-5 months and finally a biopsy was suggested to know the nature of the wound on close examination the wound seemed to be an ulcer of irregular margins one was not happy with the nasty look of the wound.



On taking the whole case no history of any injury whatsoever was elicited there was paucity of symptom except he nightly aggravation of some what itching in the ulcer, past history was also of not much help on enquiring family history it was found that father had recently under gone an excision for Myosarcoma on his right thigh. A syphilitic ground of prescription was found and four doses of Mercurius 30 was prescribed to be taken twice a day. After three days patient reported improvement [Fig-2]. Placebo was prescribed. After two weeks parents reported a complete recovery [Fig-3]





One may ask about choice of potency, thirty was chosen due to low susceptibility of patient and perhaps it was not only right choice of medicine but the right choice potency which made the improvement so rapid.


Dr E.S. Khan

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